You may notice a button next to Settings in the Fahlo App that says "Activate Cat Ears"


Those who follow Ariana Grande:

 For those of you who are going to the show, stay tuned for more on how this will work at the show.

Instructions will be provided at the show as well as email a few days prior to the show. 


Those who do not follow Ariana Grande:


Just ignore this button, you can click it, but it will not do anything if you don't have the instructions or the ears.

Cat Ears not working after the show?

We apologize for this issue. We have been advised that some devices may not work after the show. However, if you would like a working pair you may return the device to: 

Glow Motion Technologies

3810 Bedford Avenue, Suite 200

Nashville, Tennessee 37215

*The shipping cost will not be covered for this shipment. Fahlo does not design, support, or control this device.